-Author of Adventure, Horror, and Thrillers-

Writing is a passion, a journey, join me and with each new book we'll stray on wild adventures. I like to write in different genres, more often than not traveling to exotic locations around the world. Once there, my characters get tangled up in all sorts of intrigues and skullduggery, find danger and rewards, and most times encounter some form of the supernatural.
Peppered throughout my books are homages to my favorite films, TV shows, music, and writers. It's my way of paying tribute to their greatness. Perhaps you've picked up on a few.
I'm a restless wanderer at heart, an explorer, and I've called many places home. But I currently make base camp in sultry southern Florida, where the drums of Caribbean voodoo still beat quiet and ominous in the deepest hours of the nights. Sharing the joys and struggles of life with my family... and a couple of semi-crazed cats.